

IV World Cup F3K "Zielona Góra 2016"

VI Eurotour Contest F3K "Zielona Góra 2016"


The competition is part of the FAI F3K World Cup 2016 and the Contest Eurotour F3K 2016.


Zawody są dofinansowane ze środków
Urzędu Miasta Zielona Góra.

The competition is financed by City council of Zielona Góra


poland flag


Date and place:

20-22 May 2016 Aeroklub Lubuskie Land Airport www.azl.pl CAMERA
Przylep - Skokowa 18
66-015 Zielona Góra, Poland
Phone +48 68 3213010
Coordinates: 51°58’44 N 15°27’49 E

Contact person:

Leszek Małmyga
e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.


Please register on-line ONLY. Registration will be closed 8 May 2016 or in the moment of achieving maximum amount of competitors - 70. (The limit has been increased to 78 competitors.)

Official languages:

Polish and English


35 MHz, 40 MHz and 2,4 GHz (CE certificate).

Competition Rules:

FAI Sporting Code Section 4 for class F3K.
FAI valid sporting license will be mandatory for each competitor.



Winners will be awarded with trophies and diplomas.

Classification of Competitors:
All competitors who take part in the competition will be ranked in World Cup and Eurotour.

FAI Jury
The Jury will be choosen onsite from the participating pilots.

Contest Director:

Mr Zbigniew Zdziuch /Poland/

Mass Media:

Mr Marek Grześkowiak /Poland/

List of tasks:

Task "D" - (Increasing time by 15 seconds) 30 s; 45 s; 60 s; 75 s; 90 s; 105 s; 120 s - 10 minutes working time
Task "G" - (5 longest flights) 2:00 max - 10 minutes working time
Task "F" - (3 out of 6) 3:00 max, 6 launches only - 10 minutes working time
Task "H" - (4 best flights: 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 max in any order) - 10 minutes working time
Task "I"- (3 longest flights) 3:20 max - 10 minutes working time
Task "B"
- (Next to last and last flight) 4:00 max - 10 minutes
working time
Task "C" - (All up, last down, seconds) 3 flights, 3:00 max
Task "J" - (3 last flights) 3:00 max - 10 minutes working time
Task "K" (Increasing time by 30 seconds, “Big Ladder”) 60 s; 90 s; 120 s; 150s; 180 s -
10 minutes working time
Task "F" - (3 out of 6) 3:00 max, 6 launches only - 10 minutes working time
Task "G" - (5 longest flights) 2:00 max - 10 minutes working time


Tasks list may be modified depending from the Weather and the number of competitors.


1. "AEROPLAN" hotel at the Airport (0 places), sequence of application during registration is deciding about places in "Aeroplan" hotel.
2. "AMBASADOR" hotel 3 km from the Airport (in this hotel competitors have to book places on their own).
3. "MOTEL 118" hotel 2,5 km from the Airport (in this hotel competitors have to book places on their own).
4. Camping place at the Airport.


The Restaurant on the Aeroplan of Lubuskie Land.

Competition program

Friday, May 20

400 p.m. to 800 p.m. - competitors registration in the airfield
100p.m. - 800p.m. - official training
800 p.m. - 900 p.m. - supper in “Aeroplan” restaurant

Saturday, May 21

700a.m. - 800a.m. - breakfast in “Aeroplan” restaurant
830a.m. - 900a.m. - competitors registration in the airfield, training and briefing
915 a.m. - opening ceremony in the airfield
930a.m. - 130p.m. - competitive flights
130 p.m. - 230 p.m. - dinner in the airfield
200 p.m. - 700 p.m. - competitive flights
830p.m. - banquet in “Aeroplan” restaurant

Sunday, May 22

700a.m. - 800a.m. - breakfast in “Aeroplan” restaurant
900a.m. - 130p.m. - competitive flights
215p.m. - awarding of prize and closing ceremony in the airfield
230p.m. - 330p.m. - dinner in “Aeroplan” restaurant


In case of putting forward a proposal to the competition manager in writing, the competitor is asked to pay 35 Euro assessment. After receiving it, the Jury solves it. If the protest is acknowledged, the assessment will be returned.


As provided in FAI Rules, competitors not involved in flying or helping another
competitors may be asked by the organizer to operate as timekeepers.
In case of bad weather or any other case the organizer reserves a right to change the timetable.

Getting there



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